Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Natural Asthma Treatment

The life of an asthmatic can come with a great deal of baggage, especially in the case of childhood asthma, which is usually the most difficult stage. This "baggage" can take the form of allergies, or what looks like a permanent rash on ones face and arms. This could also include a dry cough or asthma cough and exercise induced asthma. One might also develop odd breathing habits. For example, people who have asthma often raise their shoulders when they inhale deeply, especially after sports or other physical exertion. It is actually better for them to learn to breathe without this additional movement, even though doing so seems to make breathing even more difficult.

Asthma attacks can be triggered by allergens, heat or sudden changes in environmental temperature. You should understand which type of asthma you have, so you can make a fully informed decision about whether you want to live your life always avoiding these triggers. Still, such a decision might be impractical or oppressive for some asthmatics, so the best way is to prepare yourself for what will happen to your body when you are exposed to these triggers.

The triggers and symptoms of an asthma attack often appear to be outside the sufferer's control. However, there are some things that you, if you are an asthmatic, can do on your own to better your situation. You might start to gradually increase your daily exercise, to get your body accustomed to more exertion. You can also coach yourself to breathe better, even if your "new" habits seem to make you even more short of breath than you were before.

It might be tempting to use medicines, instead of going to the trouble of changing your fundamental habits. Asthma inhalers are made for frequent use, but some contain steroids or chemicals with similar side effects, which may have a significant and unwanted impact on the bodys functions if used too often. If you do not have to use your inhaler too much, you can avoid side effects such as weight gain or "moon face." Besides being rather unflattering, this weight gain might actually make physical exertion more difficult, and therefore aggravate your condition, especially if you have the variety known as exercise induced asthma.

Doctors recognize this, which is why techniques like the Butekyo Method or "breathing gymnastics" were developed.
Oxygen deprivation is the primary threat in an asthma attack. Asthmatics tend to develop dark circles under their eyes during and shortly after an attack. This does not mean they are sleep-deprived: it means they are oxygen-deprived. The change in skin tone means that the blood in that area of the body has become less oxygen-rich, and therefore more bluish. Asthma attacks can last for a few minutes, or may land a person in the hospital for weeks, since some cases are much graver than others.

There are other symptoms, besides difficulty breathing. Some asthmatics end up with a wheezing or barking cough, even though their airways are mostly clear. Not only is this cough painful, but it can also irritate air passages, inflaming them and making breathing even harder. Proper breathing can maximize oxygen intake in each inhale, and also get rid of excess carbon dioxide more effectively. If you have asthma, you can do more than keep puffing on your inhaler, or wait until you grow out of it. You can find ways of breathing better, so you can keep your bronchioles in good shape, and live a more active life.

Keith Tennent - EzineArticles Expert AuthorKeith Tennent is a medical researcher and a fitness enthusiast. He has overcome personal health difficulties and now teaches others to improve their health. His technique is simple and takes literally a few seconds each day. Best of all, anybody can do it. Whether your interest is in improving your mental health in things like concentration and memory, or your physical health like overcoming arthritis or asthma. He has written many other articles which are available free at